tut uns leid, wir haben derzeit keine termine für euch!
sonntag 13 07 14 (c) rainer neumüller

sunday, 13th of july - 90 km

and germany did it again! world champion for the 4th time! 

that is how i felt almost all day long. everybody was so supportive, i got great breakfast and dinner (look at the list of supporters), and even some money for bad times. 

so i moved along very well, even though it rained before noon and once again, i  got wet inside out.  i decided to try and make it to passau today.

when i arrivied there everything changed. the first hotel i asked for a place to stay, was ready to help, but had no room. nobody else could help, because there were employees only, who didn't have the authority to give me a room for free. so i had to spend the emergency money i had gotten in the morning. 

the cheapest room i could find was 30 euros, and i had 20. so i had to beg, that felt awful. one person i asked was very offensive, others didn't really believe my story - but i got the money and checked in! my goood feeling is gone, though. 

i did laundry and had to listen to a nearby public viewing commentator - victory! and all of passau hooting!

to those who are interested how my ass is doing - it hurts.


i had a much longer and better report in the evening, but wifi gave up as i saved it - all l gone and a shorter version now, sorry.

sonntag 13 07 14 (c) rainer neumüller
sonntag 13 07 14 (c) rainer neumüller
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