05.04. - 19.04.2025
Photo Exhibition by AnimaeNoctis
Vernissage: 5.4. - 18:00
Finissage: 19.4. - 18:00
16 B/W pictures featuring: Athens, nudity, the hot 2024 Summer, an African jewel bought in New York City, a traditional eye bead, 2 cell phones. The artists are both models and photographers.
We Made Everything In Athens:
private sex, public post-porn art, hot figments in a collapsing system.
Everything was made in a complete open-air style: this is a habit.
This series is unreleased.
ABCG - Atelier Blumentopf Contemporary Gallery
seit 2014 - Ausstellungen, Lesungen, Konzerte, Workshops u.v.m.
Öffnungszeiten meistens Dienstag bis Sonntag von 18:30 bis 20 Uhr
fast jeden Sonntag ab 17 uhr - "OPEN GALLERY" - gemeinsam malen, zeichnen, plaudern, basteln
1180 Wien, Martinstraße 74